Chad the Bird

The official site of your Avian Op-Ed Columnist

Sum of Summer LIVE from the Blowout!

With Clark still away, Chad's alone in the booth except his trusty bottle of Jeppson's Malört to remind him he's alive. Luckily, he has the recording of his set from the legendary 6 hour Lollapalooza of Live Lit known to the locals as The Machete Blowout. So sit back and indulge, won't you?

Brought to you by Jeppson's Malört: They know why

Recorded LIVE at Sleeping Village for the Machete Blowout courtesy of Jacob Serio and then on Chad's phone cuz he couldn't find the keys to the booth.

Featuring the song "Promises" by the Barrerracudas, the song of the summer.

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