Chad the Bird

The official site of your Avian Op-Ed Columnist

Inside Thoughts

A guy on Twitter found out some people don’t have inner monologues and the Internet lost its mind and then Write Club’s Corbette Pasko came by to think it over! #itmight

FIVE-ALARM SHOUT OUT: Go see American Blues Theater’s tense and timely ROAN @ THE GATES at Stage 773on February 14th, use the code “2FOR1” for two-for-one tickets and bring a date for Valentine’s Day cocktails at the bar!

THREE-ALARM SHOUT OUT: Check ME out as I host POONIE’S CABARET at Links Hall on Monday February 17th! Gonna be hotsie AND totsie!

ONE-LLAMA SHOUT OUT: Go get your Corbette Pasko on as she hosts WRITE CLUB on Feb 18th at Hideout Inn: It’s the smartest thing you can do. 

Brought to you by Jeppson’s Malört: It’s on your mind

And by Hero Power: Enough good energy to give you peace of mind.

Featuring the song “Promises” by the Barrerracudas: A mindful tune!

Recorded LIVE at Chicago’s Historic Green Mill Lounge for The Paper Machete: Chicago’s Live Magazine and then in the central brain we call BENDER Studios.

Please Rate and Review and THINK Responsibly.