Chad the Bird

The official site of your Avian Op-Ed Columnist

Off the Menu w/Sohrab Forouzesh

In another broadcast from sparkling self-isolation, Chad checks in on his bud Sohrab Forouzesh and they get hungry and plan a menu. DISCLAIMER: Due to the lockdown, these episodes are recorded on ZOOM and as good as that is, it can get a little crunchy so pretend it's like two starships talking in some space western, cuz that's how Chad thinks about it and so should you.

Go chill responsibly with Sohrab at THE COMEDY BAR June 27th!!!

And keep up with his tasty styles on his website and @sohrabisbrown on Instagram and Twitter, it’s good for you!

Brought to you by Jeppson’s Malört: Aiding in social distancing since the 1930’s.

And by HERO POWER which you should sign up for right here and use the word CHAD for a sweet deal!

Featuring the song “Promises” by the Barrerracudas, the only infection we want and a little taste of Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell by Das Racist cuz we were high.