TUSC Together
Send your donations to: https://www.tusctogether.com/ Email your receipt (or screenshot) to: thebirdchad@gmail.com
For every $69 - I'll email you a personal thank you
For every $420 - I'll send you a sea shanty about you
If we collectively raise $10,000 we'll put on a show in Chicago and livestream it to all who donated.
All proceeds go to The Union Solidarity Coalition and to all the teamsters and IATSE members who need health care right now.
Recorded LIVE at Chicago’s Historic Green Mill Lounge on September 15th 2023 courtesy of Jeppson’s Malört: The Official Drink of the Apocalypse.
Come find me in all your favorite places including my Discord!
Featuring “Promises” by the Barrerracudas and a snippy of “The Wasteland” courtesy of Ross Bugden Twitter: Instagram For commissions/scores: bugdenross@gmail.com
PLEASE RATE AND REVIEW and as aways: Teach CRT, go to Drag brunches, say “Gay”, “Period”, “Black Lives Matter” eat the rich and save me some sides.